Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

laminae gastricae

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Top level systema digestorium Short Extended
Level 2 gaster Short Extended
Current level laminae gastricae
Subsidiary language with Latin
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Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
15974 tax
laminae gastricae
gastric layers
14914 2544 tax
tunica serosa gastris
serosa of stomach; serous coat of stomach
14913 2545 tax
tela subserosa gastris
subserosa of stomach; subserous layer of stomach
14909 2546 tax
tunica muscularis gastris
muscular layer of stomach ; muscular coat of stomach
14910 2547 tax
stratum musculare longitudinale tunicae muscularis gastris
longitudinal muscular layer of muscular layer of stomach
63252 6858 tax
plexus nervosus myentericus
myenteric nervous plexus
14911 2548 tax
stratum musculare circulare tunicae muscularis gastris
circular muscular layer of muscular layer of stomach
77276 2550 tax
fibrae obliquae musculi sphincteris pylorici
oblique fibres of pyloric sphincter muscle
14908 2551 tax
tela submucosa gastris
submucosa of stomach; submucosal layer of stomach
14907 2552 tax
tunica mucosa gastris
mucosa of stomach; mucous membrane of stomach
15106 2553 tax
plicae gastricae
gastric folds ; gastric rugaes
14924 2554 tax
lamina muscularis mucosae gastris
muscular layer of mucosa of stomach
17448 15550 tax
lamina propria mucosae gastris
proper layer of mucosa of stomach
10458 tax
lamina epithelialis mucosae gastris
epithelial layer of mucosa of stomach
322983 2555 tax
areae gastricae
gastric areas
2556 tax
plicae villosae
villous folds
62947 2557 tax
foveolae gastricae
gastric foveolae
14919 2558 tax
glandulae gastricae
gastric glands
18 lines
61.1 %
38.9 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 15974
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 17
Number of children 17 (validated)
Proper units 18
Number of units 18 (validated)
Signature 3842 (validated since 16.12.2024)
Date: 21.12.2024